Technology The New Medium Of Learning

The world is dynamic in all senses, government, people, institutions , even culture. The extent to this nature knows no bounds, and my focus is on the dynamic nature of education synonymously learning. Earliest forms of learning date back to the first humans to walk the earth. With the struggle of survival and desire for food, humans sought out means on how to cater for themselves. They became hunters , thereafter farmers and the chain progressed to the world in this moment. In all that time, humans taught themselves how to hunt, rear, cultivate, and plant animals and seeds respectively. They marked the earliest form of learning.

Today, educators have issues in their institutions of learning. Problems of students not learning at the same pace, the inability of providing special assistance to those falling behind, and the rush over the curriculum at school are just some of the challenges they face in the present. With all these problems facilitated, some institutions don’t get the annual grade minimum they expect from their pupils. In light of the drawback is also the factor of cost to attend these schools some families face. The focus of this paper is to underline ways and benefits in which the introduction of technology has endlessly on developing young minds with a bearing in the education sector. Resolutions it has set in motion for the families faced with challenges. Finally, improving the overall end product of pupils with an even better average result.

Internet as a medium of acquiring knowledge has its challenges. The benefits however, are a significant element in improving results. For example, You-Tube has one of the biggest self-teaching accounts in Khan Academy. Khan Academy founded by Sal Khan, was formerly a Vlog page where students and the general public went to understand concepts of mathematics they couldn’t’t solely comprehend in school or by themselves. However, with the contribution that space made to education, there was an expansion of the platform to cover other major topics including Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Now, Khan is being implemented in school curricula to help solve time management, special assistance, and improve results. This reference only accentuates one of the contributions the Internet has made towards education through Vlogging.

Let’s now emphasize on the concept of Video conferencing and its contribution to teaching. Obviously, the teaching approaches in various countries are different. Anyway, the aim is to take those styles and attribute them into knowledge seeking individuals. This can be partially achieved by video conferencing with fellow intellectuals across the world all willing to share and exchange methods in which problems in mathematics for instance are solved. The above approach entails calling people round the world in a form of group video call to ascertain the solutions to various problems. Ideally, this method is also beneficial in a linguistic and friendly sense. Callers from countries round the world with different languages, this teaches certain values to the formed groups and creates friendships. Language barrier is an issue with this concept but, as said solutions to this shall not go unturned.

Gadgets the alpha of technological advancement, often considered a setback for this generation, are also a major influence on the education field if used wisely. The manufacture of education driven devices and electronics such as V-tech, has changed millions of lives across the world. These devices are equipped with educational applications that handle topics such as mathematics, music, history, and even art. For young kids, it is the same case with apps developed for them to go over simple tasks involving numbers, alphabets, and nursery rhymes to mention a few. Parents are tasked with monitoring the usage of such devices by their kids. Better still devices are now invented to suit needs of parents. If the need for parental guidance arises, they now have the privilege of setting age limits to apps and on-line content on named devices to restrict viewing to their kids.

All done and dusted, the paper discusses the benefits of technology to students. Although, challenges such as virus, Internet fraud, and distraction arises while using the Internet, protocols are in place to get a resolution. Parents have the upper hand in solving the mention problems. They can set age limit on their kids devices. Related to an older mass, they can restrict adverts on their tabs and be consciously aware of such fraudulent activities through awareness programs for example. My paper is an intellectual piece targeted at any public seeking haven, and the community of professionals in need of convincing with topics related to education and how to improve it.


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