How to make the most out of academic conferences?

Attending conferences have a lot of benefits that is besides professional, it gives you the chance to make new industrial connections and could lead to personal relationships. The professional trends and latest updates in the trade can be gained in any regular conference.

There are also times when attending a conference can get overwhelming. Meeting new people and facing established veterans in the field can be nerve-wreaking. Also finding the right conference for your passion could be slightly more time consuming and this could cause discomfort too.

Here’s an easier way to overcome this situation and make the most out of a conference:

Become a participant:

One of the best ways to make the most out of a conference is to become an active participant in the session. Try to become a presenter or a volunteer to conduct the event smoothly. Taking up a visible role will allow you to stay focused on the event and not just become a passive listener. When you come across the initial post, try to contact the event managers and gain yourself an active position in the session.

Establish relationships:

It’s time to build new connections and develop professional relationships which will gain you connections across various companies in various locations. It makes your trade easier and you also gain updates about your industry from such connections. It’s your chance to meet people with similar interests as yours and provides a platform to discuss your interests.

Select your topic of passion:

Most conferences provide you a variety of topics and selecting one is a tremendous task, more than humanly possible for one to attend and it is essential to select a single topic. So, planning the session that you want to attend is an important thing. You can refer to the online brochures of the sessions and select accordingly. A conference is about utilizing time, so if you find a session as not your type, don’t feel bad to change venue.

Remember the session:

Make notes and try to retain as much interest information from the session as possible. Try to brief up the entire session and arrange it in a way that you can easily refer to the information later. There are going to be a lot of sessions and hence you must be prepared to take notes accordingly. Some sessions even provide printed briefs which can be of much benefit to you.


Asking questions is an interesting way to be a part of the session. This way you are likely to gain more information and share your valuable knowledge with someone else and this is a vital part of improving your communication skill and stage fright, both of which are essential in most industries. This could also be a change for you to linger around post-session to tell your presenter about your view of the session.

Make it a social media free event:

You are possibly trying to fit this conference in the middle of a work period and could be worried about your work back in the office but this is not going to do justice to the session you are attending because this is another activity that should keep your mind out of those official emails and phone calls. So try to attend the conference without thinking about your mobile and social media because it is essential to live the moment too.

Share with your circle:

You have gained a lot of knowledge by attending to these sessions and it is always helpful to share the information you know with your colleagues and friends. You could share your notes or any video/voice of the session that you have captured for the future. You could trade information with your friends if they have attended another session and exchange your knowledge.

Attending a conference is a different experience from your usual work type and it could get exciting or boring, depending on how you choose to make it. So, make the most out of it by trying to work on the above mentioned factors which will ensure that you have a pleasing conference experience.

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