The Complete Big Data Hadoop Training

Nowadays as technology is advancing there is an increase in the amount of data that is being generated every minute. Earlier data was being generated from limited resources and was being easily managed and processed using traditional means, but with the advancement in the sources that are generating data, traditional means are also unable to manage them. Big Data is nothing but the collection of the large dataset that is unable to get processed using traditional means. Big data, as the name suggest, is really very huge and is mainly categorized in 3V’s:

• Volume: This refers to a collection of data from different sources. These high volumes of data can be generated from organizations, social media, etc.

• Velocity: This refers to the speed at which the data is being generated. For example, social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram that generates data such as the number of likes, comments, tags, etc. in a limited time frame

• Variety: This refers to the formats of the data like, Structured, Semi-structured, Unstructured.

These data types are of 3 main categories:

• Structured: This consists of data that are numeric in nature

• Semi-structured: This involves XML data

• Unstructured: This is the most disruptive kind of data. Any data in PDF, Word Doc., Media Log, etc come under unstructured data.

Processing this big data becomes really very important for the companies. After being processed it provides useful insights that help in the decision-making activity. Let us now discuss the benefits of processing Big Data:

• Processing Big Data helps the companies to predict any future risk and create a contingency plan accordingly.

• Storing and processing the previous data can provide the companies with valuable insight and accordingly strategize the next step.

• Many times analyzing big data provides a competitive advantage.

• Processing Big Data helps in analyzing the root cause of failure.

• Big data helps in saving millions of dollars.

• Customer engagement and loyalty can be improved.

Now one may think about the sources from where this big data is being generated:

• Healthcare Sector

• Banking

• Digital Media

• Marketing

• Education Field

• Law Making

• Science

• Smart Cities

• Stock Exchange Data

• Transport Data

Above mentioned were just a few of the sources. Now, lets us understand about the software that can store, handle and process this big data. Hadoop is an open source framework provided by Apache and written in Java Language. Created by Doug Cutting in the year 2005, Hadoop framework helps in maintaining and processing the big data from across cluster of hardware system using simple MapReduce programming model. Hadoop was officially released on 10th of December, 2011 and since then it has been benefitting the companies by scaling up from one server to thousands of machines.

Before Hadoop, it was Google that provided the solution to tackle Big Data. It used algorithms known as MapReduce to divide the tasks into small parts and assigns it to different computers. In the end, it collects all the results from each of them and integrates them to give detailed datasets. Keeping in mind the same solution, Hadoop was developed. It uses the same MapReduce algorithm for processing the data in parallel with others. This way a huge amount of data are statistically analyzed and processed.

Hadoop follows MapReduce and consists of two major architecture layers:

• MapReduce handles large scale processing of dataset.

• HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)stores data in various machines offering a high rate of networking among the cluster of hardware systems.

Apart from the above mentioned two major layers, the architecture of Hadoop also has 2 more components:

• Hadoop Common consists of libraries required by other Hadoop Modules.

• Hadoop Yarn is a resource-management platform that manages the computing resources in a cluster of hardware.

With the advent of Hadoop framework, companies are able to overcome many challenges that were faced during traditional means of processing:

• Storage

• Searching

• Capturing data

• Curation of data

• Sharing the data

• Presentation

• Transfer

• Analysis

Today big data is not limited to any one sector. From the stock market to social media to science, everywhere millions of data is being generated every minute. Learning Hadoop becomes a necessity for the employees. KVCH is one such training provider offering Best Online Training in Big Data Hadoop. Here the candidates will get the training from the expert trainers and will get the opportunity to understand the domain in a much better way by working on real-time industry projects. Apart from domain based training, candidates will also be provided with personality development classes. In the end, they will be given a globally recognized certificate and assured 100% placement assistance.

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