Summer Vacation – 5 Useful Tips for Keeping Your Kids Occupied During the Long Summer Vacation

The summer vacation is upon us and many parents begin to ask themselves “What should we do with the kids during the long summer vacation?”, “How do we survive the summer with our sanity intact?” If you too feel this way, you are not alone. We are all in the same boat.

Most parents work during the kids’ summer vacation from school and kindergarten. The kids, who are used to being in a structured learning environment during the year, feel somewhat lost and don’t know what to do with all their free time. Due to this fact they often make life difficult.

In order to make life easier for you and your kids during the long summer vacation, I have collected 5 useful tips that will help you get through the long summer vacation with all of your faculties intact.

Weekly schedule

Kids don’t know how to organize their day by themselves. When they have too much time in their hands they don’t know what to do with it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to prepare a weekly schedule for them which includes an explicit routine for every day of the week, from the minute they awake until the moment they go to sleep.

A daily routine makes children feel secure as this way they know what to expect. In addition it gives the children the structure that they are lacking and are used to from school or kindergarten.

Prepare a weekly schedule (involve your children with the writing of the schedule), and hang it in an accessible place where the children can see it.

Summer camp

Apart from a weekly schedule, children need a social framework. You can’t expect a child to be at home for such a long period of time regardless of how much you fill it with fun activities and programs.

If you can, send your child to a summer camp. There are numerous summer camps with a variety of themes, amongst which you will be able to choose the one most suited to your child.

Family vacation

Plan a family vacation during the kids’ summer vacation. A joint family outing will enable you to refuel, accumulate experiences, to get out of the routine and enjoy some quality family time.

Sharing the burden with other parents

If you can’t allow yourself the luxury of sending your kids to a summer camp, organize your own! How? Share the burden with other parents.

Organize 5 families who have children of similar ages to your own. Each day, another parent is in charge of occupying the kids with fun activities for kids.

In this way the kids will be in a structured framework and will enjoy themselves, and you will be able to continue your daily schedule even during the summer vacation.

Fun activities for kids

But still, how do you occupy the kids during the summer vacation? Which programs do you fill the weekly schedule for your child with? Well, there are lots of ideas for activities. Here are just a few of them:

May you all have an amazing summer vacation.

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