Online Poetry Communities: 10 Tips to Finding the Right One for You

Online poetry communities, in their simplest sense, are sites you join to share poems and to meet other poets who also share an interest in poetry. However, finding an exceptional poetry site, dedicated to its poets, is not quite that simple. With so many poetry sites out there, how do you choose which one is best for you?

Bottom Line: Find a site that only charges you ONE fee to use EVERY feature on the site.

Bottom Line: Find a poetry site that offers as much bang for your buck as possible.

Bottom Line: Find a site that has a few ways poets can communicate.

Bottom Line: Find a site that has a quality review system that provides you the feedback you are looking for.

Bottom Line: Find a site that encourages several recognition programs and poet rankings.

Bottom Line: Find a site that is clean, fairly devoid of ads, strong linking and ease of organization.

Bottom Line: Find a site that helps you learn poetry forms, movements, history, poets, etc., one stop shopping if you will.

Bottom Line: Find a site that is dedicated to giving back to its community in the form of quality, timely awards.

Bottom Line: Find a site that responds to your concerns, questions, or suggestions within 48 hours.

Bottom Line: Find a site that allows you a generous, all access FREE TRIAL, so you can fully understand its community.

Finding the right online poetry community doesn’t have to be difficult. If you asked me what ONE thing I would look for it is this: The more features a poetry site offers its poets, the more likely your experience is going to be a great one.

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