A Family Survival Backpack/Kit

A family survival backpack/ kit is a great idea to have available already packed in a backpack because there will be no time to think or prepare once a disaster occurs. You have all the things you need for you and your family all ready to go on a short notice. No one knows when disasters will happen, manmade or natural. You can’t rely on the government to help you when disaster hits. The government has already proven they can even run simple tasks. Being prepared ahead of time will allow you to leave your home if that is the only choice you are left with.

The reason you need your emergency kit already packed in a backpack is so that it is ready to strap on so you have your hands free making your ability more flexible and this keeps your hands free. Have this and or one for each family member ready to go in the home. Be sure to not forget important documents and medications or other things that are personal specific needs to each family member.  Survival backpacks/kits have variations but every emergency pack should have the basics such as food, water, and a first aid kit.

If you are building your own survival backpacks the following list of 15 items will give you an idea of the essentials your backpack should hold. Be sure that pack one you need because you may have to travel light, so whatever you take you will need to be sure you can carry it.

Survival Backpacks/kits ensures you and your family have basic needs to survive. From hygiene products to remain clean, radios for public alerts food and water.

Jenna is a Survival Enthusiast who was raised learning about prepping and survival, loves camping, going to outdoor ranges , gadgets and being prepared. Jenna runs topsurvivalbackpacks.com

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