Surrogacy – Your Last Best Hope to Childless Couples

Trying your best to conceive but not able to? While you try to accuse your destiny, throughout the life because of the internal cause of this distress, without waiting much, you can simply look for other alternatives. As they say, there is always a hope and so is the case with your desire of having a baby. While you may not be pregnant but can have your child through a medium, passing on your genes. Yes, surrogacy is the next best possible answer to all the problems.

What is Surrogacy?

This refers to the process where a woman carries and gives birth to a baby in place of the couples. This is basically an agreement of carrying the pregnancy throughout, for the infertile couples, usually referred to as intended parent.

Why Opt for Surrogacy?

So, if your traditional means of conceiving have failed somehow, which also includes in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy is the last hope. The need for surrogacy usually develops when-

• There is an infection or malformation in the womb

• Womb has been removed by hysterectomy

• Failure of IVF

• Repeated miscarriages

• Conditions that makes conception risky for a woman

• Hormonal defects leading to PCOS

Types of Surrogacy

The whole system of surrogacy primarily follows two methods. It is basically the medical conditions of intended parents that actually decide which type to opt for!


In 2016, the Surrogacy Bill was commissioned, which strictly prohibits commercial surrogacy. India has become a surrogacy hub for couples. Considering the capital city, there are many surrogacy clinics in Delhi, providing you with all the options to avail this amazing process of science.

Being an intended parent, you can choose and select the surrogates. If there is any financial transaction, it is made transparent. Upon selection, the agreement is signed and acknowledged and depending on the medical conditions, either of the one type of surrogacy technique is selected. After 14 days, blood test is done to confirm the pregnancy.

Avail the opportunity and experience parenthood. There are so many best surrogacy services in Delhi that will make the whole process a very easy affair. Surrogacy is just amazing and is a blessing!

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